*We apply sophisticated AI in combination with epigenetic data in preventing age-related diseases.
We will use your Health Twin to digitally simulate how your body reacts to different health factors.
This information will provide you with precise recommendations for staying healthy.
Your Health Twin is yours and yours alone. It reflects your health profile and delivers the best possible recommendations for you.
Our platform builds a dynamic health score, which gives day-to-day recommendations on how you can stay healthy and prevent diseases.
Get our app, provide basic information about your health and start tracking your performance and rate of biological aging.
We take a saliva sample and analyze your epigenetic profile. We calculate your biological age and potential risk for age-related diseases.
Keep track of your biological age and risks towards age-related diseases, and stay healthy.
Your biological age is the age of your cells and tissues. It reflects how healthy your lifestyle is. It can differ from your chronological age and the lower it is, the less likely you are to develop age-related diseases, such as diabetes, stroke, Alzheimer, dementia and many others.
We build your dynamic health score by combining the following technologies.
Biological age is a reflection of the cumulative impact of various lifestyle, environmental, and genetic factors on our health and well-being over time, and can provide valuable insights into our current and future health risk.
Epigenetic data can be used for disease prevention by identifying specific genetic markers or signatures that are associated with increased risk of age-related diseases such as metabolic, diabetes, cardiovascular, and neurological disorders.
We work with a substantial amount of data - more than 450k epigenetic markers per person. AI is capable of processing all of that data and finding the links between our health and our lifestyle.
Health data includes genetic variations, epigenetic modifications, biomarkers, physiological parameters, and other factors influencing the aging process. We also incorporate general health information and measurements from wearables to assess an individual's biological age or health status based on lifestyle changes over time.
The dynamic health score will give you recommendations on how to stay healthy and active, based on your personal health profile.
The multi-omics approach in the dynamic health score will involve integrating multiple types of biological data from omics technologies, including genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and microbiomics.
Our platform builds a dynamic health score. The dynamic health score combines these data to deliver day-to-day information on how your health profile develops.
We are building a personalized profile asking you different questions about your lifestyle, and daily routine and any conditions you previously had or are experiencing.
First, we analyze your epigenetic profile using a single saliva sample for potential risk for certain diseases. Customers who would like more precise results on their risk of diseases can also give a blood sample.
The DNA and Methylation analysis would allow is to measure your predispositions and risks towards a series of age-related diseases.
We will use your Health Twin to digitally simulate how your body reacts to different health factors.
This information will provide you with precise recommendations for staying healthy.
Your Health Twin is yours and yours alone. It reflects your health profile and delivers the best possible recommendations for you.
See what visionaries and scientists are thinking about AI and health.